3 in 1
a revolutionary supa efficient and versatile
Syphonic Downpipe Rainwater Diverter
a 0.75mm
Leaf and Debris Diverter and
sediment extraction.
100mm low yield loss first flush diverter is an optional fitting for
only $18.
Harvests & diverts
filtered rainwater
neater & cheaper...
neater & cheaper...
The most efficient solution
for diverting harvested
rainwater to:
for diverting harvested
rainwater to:
- Tanks
- Gardens
- Pools
The Supadiverta uses
superior syphonic drainage
for the neatest,
most cost effective and
versatile method of diverting rainwater.
- $8 fixed price postage to anywhere in Australia!
- Your choice of outlet fittings
- PVC and other fittings available
at discount prices!
First Flush
Self Cleaning
Harvest more downpipes
Does not obstruct rainwater flow
Eliminate the need for an overflow
Less sediment transferred to the tank
Continuous Sediment Extraction
Mosquito Proof Reservoir
Leaf and Debris Diverter
Low maintenance
Easy DIY

Capture Rainwater
Situation: Two downpipes approximately 15 metres apart. 2 tanks
Requirements: No ugly downpipe diversions, no trenches, no expensive overflow plumbing.
Solution: 2 Supadivertas
Procedure: a single 32mm pipe diverts water from opposite ends to inlets fitted 80mm above the bottom of the tanks
Advantages: Significant cost saving, aesthetically pleasing, efficient and mosquito proof
Bonus: Water flows through 750 micron debris filters to a two tank settling system
(cleaner water). The flow path generates greater hydraulic head, allowing the
use of smaller pipes that retain less water between rain events. The inflow
oxygenates the anaerobic zone, further improving water quality.
Revolutionary syphonic rainwater harvesting
- Increases flow rates by up to 1000%... read more
- Continuous sediment extraction, a standard feature... read more
- First Flush Kit - just $18, no cleaning required, low yield loss... read more
- Syphonic priority use outlets... read more
- Internal .75 mm leaf/debris filter in a slimline design... read more
- No water tank overflow pipe normally required... read more
- Use SUPADIVERTA with gravity fed drip hoses... read more
- SUPADIVERTA provides cleaner water for pools... read more
- Fitting PVC pressure pipe and poly pipe made easy... read more
- Fits most downpipes, see fitting instructions ... read more
3 in 1 Supadiverta introduction